NEW hand and home sanitiser from Underground Spirits
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NEW hand and home sanitiser from Underground Spirits

It’s now even easier to keep your hands clean at Market as we welcome the team at Underground Spirits with their new hand and home sanitiser products. Known for their premium gins and vodkas, they have recently halted spirits production to concentrate solely on sanitiser production in direct response to the Covid-19 crisis.

We are sure hand sanitiser is going to be part of the new normal for quite some time, and Underground is offering two great new Canberra-made products for sale at the Market each Saturday under their new brand, AUS, made by Australian Underground Spirits. mediSPRY is a hand sanitiser that is affective against viruses, bacteria and fungi and comes in a one-litre bottle. mediVIRTUE is a 70% denatured alcohol surface solution available in a 500ml bottle.  

You can sanitise your hands with their AUS hand sanitiser as you enter the Market, and go and see them to buy a take-home bottle to keep your hands and home safe.