

What’s in Season – Apples

The apple season is coming to a close, yet there are loads of late-season apples available at Market this month.

Everyone knows the saying ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’. Apples are super high in antioxidants and contain properties that support our immune systems. Perfect for the first chilly month of Winter in Canberra.

Once harvested, apples can be enjoyed in a variety of different and fun ways. From a warm spiced apple pie, to a delicious and refreshing apple cider, or simply a crispy apple just on its own. The opportunities to appreciate this sweet fruit are endless.

Thornbrook Orchard is a 3rd generation family-run farming business that has been attending local farmers markets in the Central West of NSW for over 20 years. Their orchard is planted on the northern slopes of Mount Canobolas to take advantage of the fertile volcanic soil.

Scott from Bonza Apples grows all of his apple varieties using only organic methods and they are tree ripened, allowing him to assure Market shoppers that all his apples are grown chemical-free. The business was actually named after the Bonza apple, which is a variety that was discovered in the 1950s as a chance seedling by Scott’s Grandfather, Ben Atkinson.

As well as the typical mainstream varieties (Pink Lady, Royal Gala, Fuji), Bonza Apples offer a selection of heritage varieties including, of course, the Bonza, and also Jonathon, Cox’s Orange Pippin, Five Crown, and Rome Beauty apples.

Tree Tops Batlow round out our specialty apple producers, and they grow their apples near Batlow next to Blowering Dam. They offer a bunch of different apple varieties including Pink Lady, Rosy Glow, Fuji, Granny Smith, Royal Gala, Golden Delicious, Red Delicious, Jonathon Gold, Braeburn, Sundowner, and Bonza apples.

Canberra’s cold winters and hot summers make it a great place to grow and harvest apples. Apple trees need a lot of sunshine, with up to 5-6 hours a day in the direct sunlight required for the best growth outcomes.

Want to know when an apple is ripe to harvest? Check the colour of the base. If it has a green tint, it may need more time. If the base colour is yellow, it’s ready to go and should come off the tree with no problem!

Market in Bloom – 28 September 2024

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