It’s our BIRTHDAY! – April 2013

It’s our BIRTHDAY! – April 2013

This year, April marks our 9th year at EPIC – how time flies when you’re having fun. It’s been 9 years of saying no to supermarket produce and yes to locally sourced, fresh produce. 9 years of celebrating the region’s best producers and bringing Canberrans closer to their food. Did you know some of our stallholders have been with us since the very beginning? We would like to give those stallholders a special mention:

  • Bryan Loader
  • Cypress Valley
  • Gleann Na Meala
  • Homeleigh Grove
  • Jindebah Hills Coffee
  • Kitonadai Kihatsu
  • Lindfield Park
  • Melissa Pure Fresh
  • Mowbray Park Produce
  • Treetops
  • Young District Stone Fruit

They have all been with us since we first opened and we’re delighted to see they’re still selling their wonderful produce at the Market.

Over the years we’ve attained some pretty noteworthy fans including Minister Andrew Barr, well-known chefs Tom Moore and Stephanie Alexander and many others. We’ve played host to the ABC during live broadcasts, and we’ve been featured in many prominent news publications.  But none of this would be possible without our fantastic producers and shoppers – a community of people who appreciate fresh local produce, and will settle for nothing less.