

Snapper en Papillote, Leek Fondue & Truffle Sauce

Recipe by Clement Chauvin of Waters Edge Restaurant


  • 500 gr red snapper fillet
  • 2 leeks 50g butter


  • 500 ml white wine
  • 1 eshallot
  • Thyme
  • Bay leaf
  • Spices (coriander, white pepper corn ,star anis & fennel seeds )
  • 500 ml fish stock
  • 500 ml cream
  • 25 g fresh truffle


– Thinly slice the leeks, and quickly sweat down in butter until soft but still green.
– Clean and portion the fish.
– On oven proof paper, place the leeks and the seasoned fish, with the truffle sauce on top and close the paper to secure.
– Bake for 6 min @ 180°C


– In a sauce pan, place white wine, sliced eshallots, thyme, bay leaf and spices.
– Reduce until almost dry.
– Add the fish stock and reduce again until almost dry.
– Add cream and bring to simmer.
– Strain and then add the chop truffles and let infuse.