21 February 2015 – Frozen Berries & Mushrooms

21 February 2015 – Frozen Berries & Mushrooms

It has been a controversial week for the frozen berry world.  Remember that it is currently the fresh berry season for our region.  Why not stock up and freeze your own.

  • Ellamatta Orchard have an abundance of blackberries and raspberries.
  • Borenore Berry Farm are inundated with quality strawberries and will have a small quantity of frozen raspberries for sale.

Capital Region Farmers Market Stallholder - Li Sun MushroomsLikewise, the Health Protection Service have issued Death Cap Mushroom warnings.  Don’t pick your own mushies, just pick a region where they are grown and let the fungi’s behind the stall bag them up for you.

  • Majestic Mushrooms are a family run cultivating facility located in Murrumbateman.  They are a member of the Australian Mushroom Growers Association (AMGA) and they really know their stuff!
  • Li Sun Exotic Mushrooms have a range that includes the Chestnut, Wood Ear, Shitake, Oyster, Shimigin, King Browns, Swiss Browns, Nameko & Enoki.  Noel’s cultivating facility is in a disused railway tunnel with a history dating back to 1866.
  • Shoalhaven Mushrooms are located 15 minutes north of Batemans Bay.  Gary is renowned for his Swiss Browns.
  • Ann from Cypress Valley also has your mushroom needs covered.

Please remember that there is no CRFM next Saturday as 28 February 2015 is the Royal Canberra Show.  There will be sheep occupying our sheds instead.