Get in my belly, Crab Apple Jelly

Get in my belly, Crab Apple Jelly

Capital Region Farmers Market Stallholder: Dissegna Premium Family Produce, Crab ApplesHow yummy is Crab Apple Jelly?! Our friends at Dissegna Premium Family Produce have some very fresh Crab Apple Jelly available at the Market over the coming weeks.

Don’t know anything about a Crab Apple? Well in simple terms, Crab Apples are a small fruit that are, as the name suggests, a type of apple. They are decidedly bitter, can be woody and unappetising, that is until you cook them up and they become delicious. Crab Apple trees were originally planted due to their stunning spring blossoms but, if like Diana from Dissegna you know what you’re doing, you can turn the fruit into a gorgeous tart ruby-coloured preserve. Diane just recently finished picking her Crab Apples and has fresh jelly available.

You can pre-order a jar via [email protected] or by calling (02) 6963 4275, or just turn up to the Dissegna stall where jars are available for $5.  The jelly is perfect on toast, for baking in jam tartlets or jam drop biscuits.