

New to the Market…

Joining us for the first time this week we have Mark & Michelle Wood of Stockman SticksStockman Sticks Michelle and MarkThey sell pre-packed Beef Jerky which is a great protein snack, you can find them at stall No 114.

How cold has Winter been??

Make sure you and your family  get plenty of Vitamin C to stave off those winter snuffles, so it’s just as well citrus is in full swing particularly Blood Oranges

Where does the red color come from?  220px-BloodOrange

Blood oranges are “bloody” from a pigment called anthocyanin, which is widely found in the plant kingdom and can appear red as in cherries and red cabbage to blue as in blueberries and cornflowers or even purple as in pansies and eggplants (aubergines).

Anthocyanin is reported to have many health benefits as it is a powerful antioxidant that can slow or prevent the growth of cancer cells–and even kill them. Moreover blood oranges contain high amounts of Vitamin C (up to 130% of recommended daily amount), potassium, Vitamin A, iron, calcium, and even fiber. Oranges and their juice can also help prevent the build-up of bad cholesterol as well as lower the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and cataracts.

Market in Bloom – 28 September 2024

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