22 August 2015

Seafood platter with  Prawns and Oysters

Beautiful Clyde River oysters are one of the many local grown oysters of the Batemans Bay area.   The river boasts pristine, clear waters that are industry free which produces creamy and wholesome oysters, they have a prize winning background at the Sydney Royal Easter show.

Prawns in Australia have undergone much change due to regulation changes to fishing resulting in many imported varieties which lack the freshness, taste and nutritional value of an Aussie prawn.Crystal Bay in Nth Queensland has farmed the next best thing to wild caught prawns and have produced a premium product which is both tasty and well presented. Available from Warren’s Fresh Seafood.

Warren's Fresh 3 fish

Rad Muesli & Yoghurt

The Muesli
– RAD Muesli is a healthy muesli with no sugar syrups, no added oils and no toasting.

-RAD Muesli has Australian grown nuts: Macadamias, Pistachios, Almonds and Alpine Walnuts.

– Plenty of dried fruits and a variety of seeds.

– Contains LSA, Linseed Sunflower and Almond Meal, which has great nutrition and tastes amazing.

– Awesome fibre, 13.5grams per 100. Includes Psyllium Husks.

– RAD Muesli uses Rolled Barley instead of Rolled Oats- the biggest reason is for the crunchy texture- No need to toast and add sugar and oils.Protia RAD Muesli Lemon Myrtle YoghurtThe Yoghurt:
– A range of Australian Bush flavoured yoghurts, pot set and made here in Canberra from Tilba Jersey milk

– No Gelatines, stabilisers, artificial flavours or artificial sweeteners – with a thick Greek creamy style.

– Lemon Myrtle flavour- brewed organic lemon myrtle leaves sourced from northern NSW. Lightly sweetened to bring out the flavour.

– Next Flavour: Native River Mint- perfect for Indian Food and Summer Fruit salads- available from Rad Muesli.

Sour Cherry Jam made with regionally grown Morello cherries.

Morellos are distinguished by their very dark skin, flesh, and juice. They are extremely popular for things like cherry pie, cherry jam, and cherry preserves, and they are also used in an assortment of other desserts. The rich, complex flavour of the Morello cherry complements an assortment of tastes particularly dark chocolate – available from Torry Hill Orchard.

 Hickory Smoked Olives

The olives used for smoking are the Californian Queen and Kalamata.

The olives are picked when they are black which means they are very bitter.

A method called “greek style” is used to dry the olives and remove the bitterness.

This involves placing the black olives (usually 10kgs at a time) in a clean cotton bag (a pillow case will do) and add 1kg of salt, shake the bag around so that the salt is distributed through the bag and coats the olives.

The bag is then hung for approximately 3 weeks and shaken every couple of days.

The salt helps to cure the olives by removing the bitterness.

Once the olives are ready (you need to taste them until they are no longer bitter) they are rinsed in cold water, dried and then placed in the smoker for approximately 1 1/2 hours.

After they are smoked and have cooled down, they are coated with extra virgin olive oil and are ready to eat.

They go down nicely with a platter of cheese, crackers, dips and Italian bread along with a glass of wine or a beer!

Hickory, Mesquite, Alder & Apple, Cherry & Mesquite wood chips are used to smoke the olives but the most popular are the Hickory smoked – available from River Road Nursery.

Blood Oranges.

The fruit is roughly the same size as an average orange, but sometimes can be smaller or larger; its skin is usually pitted, but can be smooth. The distinctive dark flesh colour is due to the presence of anthocyanin’s, a family of antioxidant pigments common to many flowers and fruit, but uncommon in citrus fruits.Anthocyanin is believed to be a cancer fighting anti-oxidant as well as naturally lowering the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, strokes and cataracts – available from Auddino Produce and Warwick Morris.