Truffles and turmeric are in the house

Truffles and turmeric are in the house

Fresh tumeric root at the Capital Region Farmer's MarketIt’s truffle season and these fungi favourites are back at the markets. Mid-winter always heralds the arrival of these beauties and right now we have a good selection of black truffles available from Turalla Truffles, La Truffiere and Terra Preta Truffles  – but they won’t last long!

Also on the ‘get in quick’ list is turmeric. Our friends at Stikkie Bikkie, popular for their delicious Dutch stroop waffles, juices and ciders, have got fresh turmeric ready to go at the moment. This super healthy veg, part of the ginger family, is often used to flavour or colour curry powders, mustards and more.  A reminder that both these culinary darlings won’t be here for long, so get in quick.