You better bee-lieve it – World Bee Day is coming!
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You better bee-lieve it – World Bee Day is coming!

Honey Delight - World Bee Day - Capital Region Farmers Markets

Bees, glorious bees. They’re tiny, adorable, and make the world a better place. They also produce delicious honey that’s sold at the Market each Saturday.

World Bee Day is coming up on Sunday 20 May and it’s sure to be a hive of activity, with CRFM stallholders Canberra Urban Honey, Win’s Creek MeaderyMelissa’s Pure Fresh Honey. and Cyprus Valley gearing up to celebrate the day. 

World Bee Day was declared by the UN late last year, aiming to raise awareness around the importance of bees and encourage protection efforts. In Australia, many of the celebrations are happening right here in the Capital. Slovenian, Swedish and Swiss embassies (all of which are home to local hives!) will be holding events throughout the day, including Honey Jarring with Canberra Urban Honey plus lots of other activities to keep everyone buzzy.

For a full program on World Bee Day in the Capital and to register your interest, visit World Bee Day Australia on Facebook.