


Mar 03
Diary Date: World Bee Day 2020

World Bee Day is coming in just a couple of short months on the 20th of May.…

May 02
You better bee-lieve it – World Bee Day is coming!

Bees, glorious bees. They’re tiny, adorable, and make the world a better place. They…

May 02
What’s in season? Happy days as honey brightens up the month of May

While we’ve got our sights set on winter’s delicious and wholesome foods, we’re…

May 02
Meet the stallholder: Mitch and Carmen from Honey Delight and Canberra Urban Honey

Want to put a face to the business where you get your produce at the Market each week?…

Mar 20
Roasted Stone Fruit

Roasted Stone Fruit Ingredients 2 peaches 2 nectarines 2 plums 2 sprigs fresh rosemary…

Sep 05
Crumpets with Honey & Sheeps’ Milk Cheese

Crumpets with Honey & Sheeps’ Milk Cheese Recipe by Ivonne Nathan of forchefs…

Feb 01
Sticky Honey Figs in Cinnamon & Yoghurt

Recipe by Michaela Uren of For Chefs Ingredients: 8 ripe figs Knob of butter 4 tbs…

Jun 01
What’s the buzz about Honey Delight? – June 2013

One of our sweetest favourites, Honey Delight, has recently moved sites to a new…

Mar 02
Honey Chilli BBQ Corn on the Cob

Recipe by Katherine Brown of Debacle Ingredients: 4 (230g each) fresh corn cobs, husks…