

Diary Date: World Bee Day 2020

World Bee Day is coming in just a couple of short months on the 20th of May. Celebrated in over 30 countries, the day celebrates and raises awareness for the little bee to encourage improved conditions for their survival.

Why celebrate bees? Bees not only produce delicious honey but are a crucial part of the farming ecosystem. We wouldn’t have our beautiful flowers and yummy produce without them. In fact, the majority of our Market stallholders rely on bees and other pollinating insects for their produce to survive.

The Market will have something special coming to celebrate World Bee Day at the Market on Saturday 16th May it will be a real hive of bee activity leading up to World Bee Day, so stay tuned for all the buzz. You’ll want to bee there to celebrate.

Market in Bloom – 28 September 2024

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