Biodynamic farming with Ingelara

Biodynamic farming with Ingelara

This month we are featuring Market favourites Beatrice and Tobias Koenig who run Ingelara farm. Initially focusing on farming organic potatoes and garlic, Ingelara now sells a range of seasonal fruit, vegetables and herbs at the Market each week.

Beatrice and Tobias are from Germany moving the family out to Australia in the 90s before starting Ingelara farm in 2004 at Michelago. As their farming experience had only been with fertile European soil, there were some adjustments needed to adapt to the harsh Australian conditions.

Ingelara is well known for its biodynamic approach to farming and has even been featured on ABC Radio Canberra. Biodynamic agriculture is a holistic approach to managing the soil, vegetation and livestock health. They practice time-controlled grazing for their livestock which limits environmental impacts on the farm and improves the soil and produce, which is then sold at the Market.

They have a passion for sharing their farm with the community, regularly hosting Canberra students on their farm to experience what life on the land is all about.

Like many of our Market producers, Ingelara was affected by the bushfires this past season. Their crops, pasture, and farm infrastructure have ben impacted. But thanks to the support of the Rotary Club and Market community, they have been given some financial assistance to start to get them back on their feet and rebuild.

With some quick thinking, they were able to evacuate their garlic crop and some other produce to continue to sell at the markets this season. Please come out and support Ingelara this month at the Market.