

Seared Barramundi with Apple & Celeriac Remoulade

Recipe by Michael Rees of Ellacure Restaurant


  • 4 – 170g Barramundi Fillets (Cone Bay)
  • Apple and Celeriac Remoulade
  • 1 Avocado
  • Preserved Lemon Vinaigrette
  • Chives


– On a tray season Barramundi skin side with salt.
– In a hot pan pour some oil and place barramundi skin side down. Leave for 30 seconds. The barramundi will curl up leave for 30 seconds then very carefully using a spatula/egg flip press on top of the barramundi to flatten out.
– Leave to cook for a further 2 mins then place in oven at 180 for about 7 mins. Check to make sure it is cooked by carefully pressing down on top. Should be very soft and have no give.
– Turn the barramundi over and leave for 1 min.
– To set up the plate take ¼ of an avocado and slice finely. Place in the middle of the plate in a circle. Place a pinch of salt on top of avocado. Then a good amount of the Remoulade. Dress around the plate with the lemon dressing. Dust with some chives then place the barramundi on top of the Remoulade. Serve.