13 June 2015

Rainbow Chard – Could be mistaken at a quick glance for rhubarb but in fact is a multi-coloured relative of beetroot and silverbeet. Can be red or golden in colour, it’s of the easiest vegies to grow in the garden and is packed with chlorophyll which has super potent anti-oxidant qualities and all the benefits of leafy green vegetables which helps prevent colds and flu – very important for winter. Young leaves can be eaten in salads or otherwise is great when steamed – available from Kurrawong Organics.Rainbow Chard

Eggplant/Aubergine – Is a species of nightshade grown for its edible fruit. It is also referred to as garden egg or guinea squash. A deep glossy purplish colour, eggplant are widely used in cooking particularly in moussaka and ratatouille. It’s related to both the tomato and potato and has white flesh with a meaty texture and rapidly turns brown when cut. Rich in fibre and anti- oxidants is good for heart health and cholesterol – available from Wollondilly Produce.

Pommegranates – Thought to be the world’s oldest fruit and full of vitamins and anti-oxidants. Its Latin name means seeded apple and is thought to have originated in northern India and Iran. Most popular uses these days are juice and the seeds are widely used in salads. When selecting fruit should be heavy with shiny, smooth skin, bright reddish pink in colour and free of blemishes.  Pommegranate

Quince – Member of a fruit family that also contains apples and pears among other fruits. It’s similar in appearance to a pear and bright golden-yellow when mature. Can’t be eaten raw as it’s hard and bitter but is excellent for preserves such as jam and marmalade. Quince paste is a tasty compliment to Brie, Cheddar and Blue Cheese. Also can be made into jelly which is fragrant and pink.