Kimchi Salad

Kimchi Salad

Kimchi Salad


½ Chinese cabbage

½ carrot

½ daikon

3 small raddish

30g ginger, sliced

3 garlic cloves, sliced

2 red chillies, sliced

30ml soy sauce

20ml fish sauce

30ml white wine vinegar

10g palm sugar


Prepare the dressing by combining soy sauce, rice wine,palm sugar and fish sauce in a bowl.

Add palm sugar and dissolve.

Add chilli, ginger and garlic to infuse.

Shred or thinly slice all vegetables and soak in the sauce.

Serve with your favourite bread or pulled pork dish with an Asian twist.

Prepared by:
Ivonne Nathan
Culinary Skills Teacher
Trade Skills and Vocational Learning
Canberra Institute of Technology

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