With truffles so popular at the Market right now, we thought this would be a good opportunity to introduce you to our regular truffle producers: Terra Preta Truffles, Turalla Truffles, and La Truffiere.
New Stallholders Marketgoers will be happy to find out that Ambrosia Distillery, a local Canberra micro-brewery serving gin and flavoured vodkas has joined us at Market, and they’re proving very […]
It’s 6am and Steven Anderson from Wagga Free Range Pork is pulling on his gumboots to feed his drove of purebred Berkshire pigs.
The apple season is coming to a close, yet there are loads of late-season apples available at Market this month.
Celebrate Mum this weekend – take her shopping for fresh food, take her out for the morning, and think of her while you’re shopping at the Market this Saturday.
Unfortunately, from 23rd April 2022 there will no longer be a mobile ATM provider onsite at the Market. The majority of our stalls do have card facilities, however if you like to use cash at the Market, we encourage you to bring cash with you.
Situated 12km west of Orange, Borenore Berry Farm is run by David and Kate Dickson who have been selling their produce at the Capital Region Farmers Market for over 16 years.
April is such a great time of year with school holidays, Easter, and ANZAC Day offering many occasions to get together with friends and family to enjoy the region’s best seasonal autumn produce.
Canberra’s original, biggest and best farmers market, the Capital Region Farmers Market, is seeking genuine producers to complement the current range of producer-stallholders.
New at the Market this week, Erika from pyoor.viand creates, bakes, and cooks healthy sweet and savoury foods that are either paleo, gluten free, vegan, and keto – or sometimes all at once! Their products include healthy baked and fried cakes, slices, muffins, doughnuts, and savoury scones and slices.
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