

Smoked Duck Breast with Fennel & Beetroot & Orange Relish

Recipe by Joel Jones from the Treehouse Bar in Canberra


  • 2 Duck Breast
  • Olive Oil
  • Tea leaves enough to cover a tray
  • 200g Brown Sugar
  • 1 Cinnamon Quill
  • 1 Bay Leaves
  • 2 Star Anise
  • 1 Orange :
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Fennel Bulbs
  • 1 Bunch Thyme
  • 50g Butter
  • 200ml Cream
  • 1 Lemon
  • 1 Large Beetroot
  • White Vinegar
  • Castor sugar


Smoked Duck Breast:

– Seal the duck breast skin down until nicely browned.
– In a foiled tray, place the tea leaves, sugar, cinnamon quill, the rind from the orange and a few sprigs of the thyme.

Beetroot Relish:

– Finely slice the beetroot
– Add the vinegar and sugar along with the star anise and the juice from 1 orange, bay leaf and salt and pepper.

Fennel Puree:

– Slice the fennel, place in a small pot of water and boil.
– Reduce the cream and Butter until thick
– Strain the fennel once cooked
– Add the cream mixture and season to taste.

Soused Fennel:

– Finely slice the fennel add lemon juice, salt and pepper and olive oil
– Allow the fennel to soften in the mixture.
– Strain for service.
– Chop some Thyme to taste adjust seasoning if needed.