19 December 2015

So this is Christmas…..

Our last Saturday market for this year sees the return of Christmas Bush, a special seasonal plant maybe?? Available from Jonima Flowers and Karuah FarmCeratopetalum gummiferum, the New South Wales Christmas Bush, is a tall shrub or small tree popular in cultivation due to its sepals that turn bright red-pink at around Christmas time. The petals are actually small and white – it is the sepals that enlarge to about 12mm after the flower sets fruit and starts to dry out.

Don’t forget our Twilight Market on Tuesday 22 December from 2 – 6pm.Xmasbush-small

Our first market back in the new year will be Saturday 16 January 2016, same time, same place…..

We wish all our valued customers a safe and Happy Christmas and look forward to seeing you all again in the New Year.