

What’s in season? Quince, chestnuts, figs and mandarins

Quince at the Capital Region Farmer's MarketWe are nothing if not versatile. And especially when it comes to the fruit and veg on offer at the Market. Autumn brings with it a selection of unusual fruits and nuts including quince, chestnuts and figs. And it’s time to ward off those colds with that winter favourite, the humble mandarin. Quince is not a fruit you see too often. Related to the apple and pear, this very hard golden fruit is better eaten cooked or poached and makes a lovely paste. Quince are available right now from our friends at Loriendale Orchard.

Chestnuts have also arrived at Market. These delights can be used whole in stews or casseroles, or can be pureed as a side with a roast. Or our favourite, simply served fresh and hot. You can buy chestnuts at the Market from Featherdale Chestnuts from Batlow.

We’ve still got figs on offer from Lindfield Park Produce  and Hill Lock Orchard, and everyone’s favourite winter citrus fruit, mandarins, are back in plentiful supply from Auddino’s Produce. Come and stock your fruit bowls to overflowing!