

Keep warm with these seasonal veggies

Windellama Organics at the Capital Region Farmers Market

The last of winter is upon us, which means it’s a good idea to make the most of winter warming meals while you can with lots of fresh, seasonal veggies.

Bundle up with a blanket and some hot homemade minestrone using delicious Dutch carrots, available from our stallholder Windellama Organics.

Broccoli is the perfect steamed addition to a lovely winter roast dinner, and can be found at Dilliro Vegetables and B & S Fresh Produce.

Also in season is silver beet, which can be used as a very healthy inclusion into a freshly made frittata, and can be found at Kurrawong Oganics.

Make the most of these healthy and delicious vegetables before the chilly season is over and we head into the warmer months!

Market in Bloom – 28 September 2024

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