Learn something new at our stallholder workshops and demos
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Learn something new at our stallholder workshops and demos

Win's Creek Meadery at the Capital Region Farmers Market

Have you ever wanted to learn how to make pasta, how to make frames for bee hives or how to create ricotta? Perhaps you’re interested in improving your gut health, finding out how to plant succulents or discovering how to mill wheat? These are just some of the topics you can educate yourself on with the Market’s new interactive stallholder workshops and demonstrations.

Kicking off this month, stallholder workshops will take place on the second Saturday of every month in the food court (where monthly cooking demonstrations are held). First up on Saturday 11 August, Leaning Oak Dairy will deliver a session on how to create ricotta using Country Valley Milk at 9am. See how to use Leaning Oak Dairy’s products to their full potential so you can create a healthy, homemade alternative to cheese.  Then at 10am, find out how to source local honey from your very own backyard with Win’s Creek Meadery.

We’ll keep you up to date on upcoming workshops which will take place on the second Saturday of each month.