

Another delicious recipe idea: Homeleigh Grove Grapefruit and Ginger Olive Oil Ice Cream

As the weather is slowly starting to warm up and to celebrate another award win by stallholders Homeleigh Grove, this month we bring you a super yummy spring recipe- Grapefruit and Ginger Olive Oil Ice Cream (pg. 118 of the recipe book) The recipe was provided by stallholders Peter and Caroline O’Clery of Homeleigh Grove.

Homeleigh Grove Grapefruit & Ginger Olive Oil Ice cream
From Peter and Caroline O’Clery of Homeleigh Grove


  • ½ cup Homeleigh Grove grapefruit and ginger-flavoured olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla paste or vanilla bean
  • 1 cup full-cream milk#
  • 3 free-range egg yolks
  • ½ cup castor sugar
  • 300 ml cream
  • ½ teaspoon ground ginger
  • ¼ cup finely chopped crystallised ginger


3 bottles of award winning olive oil by Capital Region Farmers Market Stallholder, Homeleigh GroveHeat oil, vanilla and milk in medium saucepan, stirring over gentle heat to just boiling point. Remove from heat and cool 15 minutes.

– Whisk egg yolks and su
gar until combined. Strain oil/milk mixture into this and whisk until combined. Return to heat and stir until mixture thickens enough to coat back of wooden spoon (not too thick).. Remove from heat and chill in fridge.

– When ready, whip cream with ground ginger until soft peaks form and fold into the refrigerated mixture. Add ginger pieces. Immediately put in ice-cream maker and churn.

– Freeze when ready. Soften in fridge about 30 minutes before eating for easier serving.


Lemon myrtle
– Use Homeleigh Grove lemon myrtle oil instead of grapefruit and cinnamon in place of ground ginger. Omit crystallised ginger or use as desired. Delicious with shortbread fingers.

Blood orange
– Use Homeleigh Grove blood orange oil and cardamom in place of the ground ginger. Serve with slices of orange for a refreshing dessert.