What happens when you keep making your family and friends pickles and they love them? You go into business of course. And that’s exactly what Richard and Liz Dowling of […]
Autumn is officially here and with the change in season comes a fresh set of seasonal produce. For this month we’re stocked with Nashi Pears. The Nashis come from Darby’s […]
News just in. Our stallholders are award-winning. Well, that’s nothing new. But this recent batch of awards proves once again just how awesome they are at what they do. The […]
If your fruit bowls and fridges are looking bare due to a non-market last Saturday, then pop in to the CRFM to stock up on all things fresh and fabulous. […]
This month we share our recipe for Roasted pears and apples (pg. 127 of the recipe book) – fitting as we’re coming into our peak season for apples and pears […]
It has been a controversial week for the frozen berry world. Remember that it is currently the fresh berry season for our region. Why not stock up and freeze your […]
Perhaps you are after something sweet for that special someone or special slice of fresh bread? The team from Win’s Creek Honey have some beautiful raw honey from their Hawker […]
The team from Claron Park Produce at Cootamundra have; Old Man Saltbush, both fresh and dried. Versatile in a variety of dishes with its delicate, naturally salty, creamy-tasting leaves that are […]
Blackberry & Lemon curd Mille Fuille Ingredients 1 Punnet blackberries Filo Pastry Icing sugar 250g clarified butter 1 tbsp Cassis 1 egg white Lemon curd 3 lemons 225g butter, softened […]
Chicken Bisteaya, Tomato & Pomegranate Molasses Ingredients For the bisteaya 1 chicken breast diced I onion diced ½ tsp fresh ginger I clove garlic crushed Pinch ground coriander Pinch ground […]
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