

Apple Tart

Recipe by David Keeley and Rose Mogford of Pistachio Dining at Torrens


  • 50g icing sugar
  • 50g almond meal
  • 100g butter
  • 2 eggs
  • sweet pastry
  • 4 apples
  • 20g raw sugar
  • Pinch cinnamon
  • 20g unsalted butter


– Make frangipane with sugar, almond soft butter.
– Add eggs and mix well set aside.
– Line tart cases with pastry.
– Add some frangipane to just cover the bottom of the case.
– Peel and slice apple.
– Place apple on top of frangipane.
– Top with raw sugar, ground cinnamon and butter.
– Bake 160-180°C for 15 to 20 minutes or until golden.