We were extra lucky earlier this month to have special guest Minister Andrew Barr pop in to the Market to take part in our monthly cooking demonstrations with Regional Group […]
Want to be part of our bustling food market? Looking for a Saturday morning job? Many of our stallholders employ Canberra locals to assist with early morning set up at […]
The EPIC Café, run by EPIC and onsite at the Market, is currently closed and will continue to be closed up until and including Saturday 24 August. The Market would […]
This month we would like to warmly welcome two new stallholders – ZV Bakery and Pialligo Farm Smokehouse ZV Bakery owner, Ben Hoitink, may have just started at the market, […]
Yep indeed the weather might be colder, but you can make it that more bearable by stocking up your fruit bowls with some of our producers’ fresh seasonal offerings. This […]
One of our sweetest favourites, Honey Delight, has recently moved sites to a new larger corner site at the market where you can find them and their delicious honeys each […]
That’s right – we now have a market mascot. Michael the Merino…and boy is he cute! If you’ve visited us recently you would have seen Michael walking around the market […]
This month we would like to pay homage to another of our keen market customers, Bizzy Lizzy…well actually her real name is Liz Posmyk, and Bizzy Lizzy is her alias […]
It’s with great pleasure that we congratulate our Market Manager, Tamara Arnold, who this month celebrates 12 months as manager. She’s actually been involved with the market since 2008 in […]
There are loads of fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables at the market with the team from Tree Tops having fresh pears, chestnuts and apples in many varieties over the coming […]
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