


Sep 07
Producer in Focus – Jonima Flowers

We’re all enjoying welcoming spring into our lives, but nobody is blooming stronger or…

Jul 07
What’s in Season – Truffles

This year’s truffle season has officially kicked off at the Market, with offerings…

Jul 07
Producer in focus – Our local truffle farmers

With truffles so popular at the Market right now, we thought this would be a good…

Aug 08
Meet the stallholder: Steve and Rob from Formichi Smallgoods

Want to put a face to the business where you get your produce at the Market each week?…

Aug 08
We’re going nuts over our stallholder’s win

It’s been a big month for Alpine Nuts, having secured a huge win at the Australian…

Aug 08
What’s in season? Far out, Brussels sprouts!

Brussels sprouts have been given a bad rap over the years, which, quite frankly, we…

Aug 08
Our mission to make it easy to be green

Plastic bags are a hot topic right now. So much so, that we’re doing all that we can…

Aug 08
Learn something new at our stallholder workshops and demos

Have you ever wanted to learn how to make pasta, how to make frames for bee hives or…

Jul 09
Mush fuss over Shoalhaven Mushrooms

We’re getting all mushy mushy over one of our fabulous stallholders, Shoalhaven…

Jul 09
Meet the stallholder: Valerie from Patisserie Valerie

This month –  meet Valerie from Patisserie Valerie. Valerie makes handmade chocolates…